Saturday, August 27, 2016

The day I made a blinky light (and a throwie!)

Part 1

We had to make a "throwie light" which was a light attached to a small battery with magnets and tape. It was a cute little project

I played around with the different light colors and doing more than one light (red took the most power, green -- my color light -- was the middle and blue took the least power). A combination of blue/green worked whereas a combination of red/green didn't (it did not have enough energy from the battery). Cute little project

Part 2

The other thing we did in class was a project where we made a circuit. It was a fairly simple soldering  project, but I did have some complications. 
One of my lights was backwards (I thought it was strange but I was listening to one of my fellow students so I blame them.......unless they are reading this in which case I take full responsibility for my mistakes). So I had heat up the solder again and take the light out and rotate it.

It turned out pretty well. It made me feel so much better now that I know most of the people in the class also struggled with something basic like this. That means we all are going to learn (there are a few of us who know more and they can be resources but most will be learning as we go just like me). So that makes me feel better about taking this class.

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