Sunday, November 13, 2016

What I did 11/7 - 11/9


Just as I feared, the plastic of the front piece was too thin on the wing connectors so when I was fiddling with them, one of them snapped. So I was right about having to reprint. Thomas told me that I can edit stl files in sketchup but the extension warehouse was down for maintenance during the class period so I was unable to continue. I did buy some cheap chopsticks I'll use for the wings of the piece.

We finished up the reading discussions as well today. I am beginning to feel under the weather so I didn't participate as much as I usually do.


With the model I had printed I had to go in and fix some of the geometry to expand the wing flap portion of the front. I converted it from stl to sketchup but I had to fix some of the gometry in order to expand the wings. However, Thomas showed me a better way to erase and more efficient geometry building so he did part of the expanding and then emailed me the file to fix up the angles and odd lines created in the conversion and expansion.

11/13 - Sunday report

We tried to print it using Bendlay but the printer wasn't happy with that. After 15 minutes of it doing nothing we switched to pla/pha. We thought it was going to work (it was making the right sounds), but then the extruder piece unhooked itself so it was dragging that around without anything really happening. So we quickly stopped it. Lyani tried to fix it but accidently touched the metal extruder piece and burned herself.

Guess I'll have to wait till next week.

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