Thursday, November 3, 2016

What I did 10/31 - 10/2

Happy Halloween! Over the weekend, I braved a costume shop (I'm still traumatized by how many people there were) and found a top hat for the Hermes Hat. It being Halloween, I decorated said hat with a balloon, a small picture of David Niven and Cantinflas from Around the World in Eighty Days (1956) because this morning the top hat reminded me of Phileas Fogg.
I also found a motor (I'll take of picture of it later) from the hobby store. It looks to be from either china or japan (I'm not sure which because I don't know japanese or chinese). It will probably work in any case.

I also previously did some research:


I took the files from the above link and printed them in this class period. 

The first I printed was the front which will hold the wings and the center pole.

And finally I did 4 other components. This will probably not be the final print but now that I know that it prints fairly quickly I will be able to do this fairly quickly.

 I also got a piece of wire from the metal lab.

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