Monday, October 24, 2016

Human Born Cyborg Notes 0-2


  • Wireless discussion of human cyborgs (regarding cellphones)

Ch 1 Cyborg Unplugged

Rats in Space:

  • origin of the cyborg (rather reengineering the space ships for comfort, why not reengineer the humans?)
    • Manfred Clynes: chief research scientist at Rockland State Hospital and an expert on the design and development of physiological measuring equipment
    • remarked that it sounded “like a town in Denmark."
    • For the exogenously extended organizational complex . . . we propose the term “cyborg.” The Cyborg deliberately incorporates exogenous components extending the self-regulating control function of the organism in order to adapt it to new environments
    • “cyborg” stood for Cybernetic Organism or Cybernetically Controlled Organism; 
    • it was a term of art meant to capture both a notion of humanmachine merging and the rather specific nature of the merging envisaged
  • First cyborg
    • 1955) classic cyborg: rat with implanted Rose osmotic pump. The pump automatically injects chemicals into the rat to form a biotechnological control loop, which can be adapted to unusual conditions (for example, survival in space

Implants and Mergers

  • cocullar implants
  • Kevin Warwick
    • the Department of Cybernetics at the University of Reading, in England
    • 1st: 1998 
      • a fairly simple silicon chip, encased in a glass tube
      • opening doors as he approached, turning lights on and off, and so on
    • 2nd: March 14, 2002: 
      • 100 tips on array connect to nerve fibers in wrist and linked to wires in arm and then linked via radio contact to a computer
      • disconnected nerve transmission to the brain.
    • plans for wife:
      • have a matching but surface-level device connected to his wife, Irena
      • signals accompanying actions, pains, and pleasures could then be copied between the two implants, allowing Irena’s nervous system to be stimulated by Kevin’s and vice versa
  • other ex:
    • able to control the movements of a live cockroach by hooking its motor neurons to a microprocessor
    • electronically mediated control of some muscular function
    • paralyzed stroke patient, fitted with a neurally implanted transmitter, has been able to will a cursor to move across a computer screen
    • rats with similar implants have learned to depress a reward-generating lever by just thinking about it
    • female orgasm-generating electronic implant
  • pilots and their computer autopilots

stopped at pg 31

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