Saturday, October 1, 2016

What I did 9/26 - 9/28, Plus: Thursday/Friday Reports

Thomas liked the idea but suggested that I tweak it slightly. One suggestion was that I make it a wearable almost like armor so I become a one man electronic noise band. I did not like the idea at first but I grew to like it.

I worked a little bit at home soldering some of the circuit together so I wouldn't have to use as many alligator clips. For the Circuit 2 circuit (see 1st image) I started soldering the 6 touch points down to make noise. I am getting better at soldering.

9/28 - Class
On wednesday, I started to play with the Flash light circuit so I could make noises that weren't pre-programed. With the help and suggestions of Thomas, I soldered two wires to aspects of the circuits and attached buttons to activate noises which would disrupt the preprogramed system. I eventually added a 3rd wire/button.

Thursday night, I soldered sets of wires to the Flash circuit where buttons had been (but they had been plastic, non-wired buttons) and I added buttons to those wires. This made 3 new buttons with a total of 6 buttons (plus the ladybug button), the switch and the "turntable" switch.
On Friday, went to Harbor Freight and bought a new soldering iron as the tip on my old one was pretty much gone. I also went to Goodwill next door where I found two belts which will be perfect for the mirror so I can make it into a wearable. I also found some ribbon which I will use to tie up the circuit base (which will be cardboard).

Also on Friday, I went to Fablab lab hours and drilled a hole on the top of the mirror frame so I could place the turntable.

 I think

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