Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sunday Report (9/25)

This morning I decided to report some of my actions related to the class this weekend. I know it isn't required but it helps the narrative to explain events and decisions so I don't have to say, "I forgot to mention that I decided...".

Anyway I had gotten this mirror

Back with board removed
It is a very sturdy mirror. It's made of plastic so it will hold up. When I bought it I think it looked interesting and I could perhaps use it, but this morning I realized how I could actually use it for the sound project. 

Why not make a magic mirror? I would just have to put the touchpoints onto pieces of metal that are decoratively shaped not unlike the snakes on the Snow White mirror and it would make weird screeching sounds. As you can see on the back picture, there is space behind the mirror to hide the battery and all the cords. The placement of the speakers might give me trouble but the frame itself can easily cut into.
Earlier I finished taking apart the toy flashlight and made a diagram of the circuit so I could better understand how it worked.

It has three buttons in a row plus a single button, a switch and rotating mechanism which I call a turntable switch (it might not be the actual name but its the same basic principles of a turntable).

As the circuit 2 I made has 6 touch points and a switch I think the best course of action is a symmetrical orientation if I choose to pursue this idea. It will be: 3 touchpoints in row, the circuit 2 switch, the turntable (and related light), the flashlight switch and the buttons. I am not sure where the 4th solo button from the flashlight will go but like I said I would like the other touchpoints to be pieces of decorative of metal.

Anyway, that is my project idea. Will work on it tomorrow and ask Thomas questions. Will see what comes of this idea. Either way, I have two circuits.

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