Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Human Born Cyborg Discussion Points 0-2 part 2

As written by Tuong

    • Heavy metal

      • what was the strict antithesis of Weiser's vision of ubiquitous computing.
      • two types of technology: transparent technologies, opaque technologies what are they?
        • transparent technologies: technology that is so well fitted to, and intergrated with, our own lives, biological capacities, and projects as to become almost invisible to use.
        • opaque technologies: keeps tripping the user up, requires skills and capacities that do not come naturally to the biological organism, and thus remains the focus of attention even during routine problem-solving activity
      • training for technology to become transparent?
    • Transparent Tools
      • who is Donald Norman?
        • guru of of the age of information technology
      • what is the problem with technology-centered products
    • Smart Worlds
      • information appliances are characterized by three central features:
        • An information appliance is geared to support a specific activity, and to do so via the storage, reception, processing, and transmission of information. 
        • Information appliances form an intercommunicating web. They can “talk” to each other. 
        • Information appliances are transparent technologies, designed to be easy to use, and to fade into the background. They are poised to be taken for granted
      • Weiser vision of home and work compare to Norman.
        • Weiser is more fill with small, intercommunicating, unobtrusive intelligent devices was a vision of a world of such appliances
        • Norman is more restricted, less futuristic.
      • The web include a varied and mutually empowering matrix of what?
        • human-centered technologies
      • why do you need an even-richer web of support
      • what is a wearable computer. 
        • an information-processing tool that is a deep but non invasive sense, integral to the user
        • human-centered technology
      • what is Bradley Rhodes's wearable remembrance agent?
        • a continuously running proactive memory aid
      • what is an example of tangible computing?
        • Marble answering machine by Durrell Bishop, at London Royal Collage of Art
      • MIT Media Lab has a group called The Tangible Media Group and what vision do they wish to pursue
        • embodied digitally
      • augmented reality who used this term first?
        • a group of Boeing engineers and scientists in the early 1990s
      • how was augmented reality used?
        • University of Central Florida used LEDs (liquid Electronic Displays) to see how the bones move while the women were walking.
      • Mike Scaife
        • worked as part of a multi-univeristy interdisciplinary research colaboartion helped design a mixed reality adventure game called hunting the Snark.
    • Moving On
      • how will the difference between the two vision show?
        • if the information appliances will be designed to remain firmly out of sight and out of mind.

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