Saturday, October 1, 2016

Saturday Report (10/1) Part 2

After a break in which I finished watching Stranger Things on Netflix, I went back to the circuit project.

Flash Light circuit
I untangled the circuits to keep them straight. Don't know if you can see from the picture (the cloths pin might be hiding 2 buttons) but on this Flashlight circuit I have added an additional button to replace the "ladybug button". This makes 7 buttons. I believe I am going have one side of the mirror have 3 buttons which I have added for sound alteration and on the other side will be 4 buttons that are preprogramed.
Circuit 2
I also attached alligator clips to Circuit 2's touch points so I could try out the pieces of metal I had gotten to use. They are working well. I am going to cut them into decorative shapes to put on the mirror's inner boarder ring. I have one less piece of metal so right now I am using a screw but I might cut a piece in half to resolve this situation.

Right now deciding on the appropriate shape so decided to check out some inspiration:

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