Monday, October 3, 2016

Project Critique Day (10/3)

The beginning

On the day of, I fiddled with circuit 2 (the one with the snake touch points) because it wasn't as strong and it was decreasing. Turns out at some point I had fried the circuit so you could could not hear what it was supposed to sound like. I thought it was the chip which fried but I realized it was the circuit board. Fortunately I have two circuits so it turned out half well.

Other people's projects

There were a number of interesting projects. One was a bear
Another was a helmet

 [Thomas then handed the helmet to me to wear with my mirror]

 One was potato/apple peeler
And there there several others I did not get to take a picture of...

My Project

Everyone seemed to enjoy my project (though at the beginning of the class when we got out to the field they didn't like it since I discovered I could use the mirror as a light weapon to annoy them). They said it was certainly ambitious. Thomas said he wished I had used something more sturdy than cardboard and said he would work with me. The students said the project was certainly me. I really enjoyed presenting it. I used my music maker personae to have a lot of fun. I used my announcer voice at the beginning and heckled the random passersby (or I just rotated and stared at them since I was the weird one with the mirror).

Following photos are from Ariana:

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