Saturday, October 1, 2016

Saturday Report (10/1)

I spent a good chunk of Friday night thinking out the layout of the mirror and how I would do things. So this morning after my yoga class I went to work on the project.

First I went to print lab where I cut two pieces of cardboard: one thin from a cereal box and one regular from a box. The regular cardboard is the base where I would attach the circuit itself. The thinner cereal box is the cover. It will go over all the electronics and will eventually have holes for buttons, switchs and the turntable dial rod.
I smoothed the edges and will eventually cut the button/etc. holes once I know the exact placement of the devices. I also added electrical tape to circuit 2 to protect it (as I don't trust the soldering on the resisters). I also drilled a hole for the turn table switch.

I went to the dollar store and picked up some gold and silver spray paint which I will use to paint the mirror frame (the blue is alright but I want my magic mirror to be gold). The silver I will use on the cereal box layer so it jumps. I also found a flower thing which I will put on the turn table. I wanted a bow tie ("because bow ties are cool" --the Doctor) but I have not seen a bowtie like what I envision. The flower thing will have to do.

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