Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sunday Report (10/2)

I drew some snake like lightning bolts on the longest sheets of metal (inspired by the snow white video from last post). I then cut out one, turned it over and traced that one on the other sheet of metal in order to duplicate it.

I then put the 4 squares and 2 snake future touch points on the mirror in order to see how they looked. I will not glue them just yet.

Next I tried to organize the chaos which is my cords by covering them with tape.
 And then put on the top card board to make sure it lined up. I had previously cut the button holes.
Sadified that everything was traced, I went outside my dorm and spray painted the mirror. One of my dorm mates walked past me but said nothing. I also saw a number of other people walk nearby as we are close to a stairwell. I kept hoping someone thought I was part of a gang spray painting my group's symbol before they saw what I was actually doing. 

 I wasn't happy with the direct mirror and I liked the idea of making the mirror cloudy like the Snow White magic mirror. So I put some watercolor paint on it and put my fan directly above it so it would dry that way.
 Next I spray painted the top cardboard silver. Then I hole punched holes to thread and hold the circuits together.
 Then I hot glued the touch points down (btw that is my towel I put down so none of this would damage my bed).
Later I soldered the touch point wires to the touchpoints and then tied it all together.

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